How Journaling can help deal with fear and anxiety!

Journaling is a powerful way to work on yourself wit the help and support of yourself. The best healer you can ever find is sitting right inside you head. So why not make the most of it and keep fear and anxiety at bay.

The truth if fear is one the emotions that we experience naturally. There is nothing wrong about it you should experience it as it can often be lifesaving. But if this stops you from moving forward in the important growth aspects of your life then that is something we need to work on. Most fears are a response in your mind of situations that could be potentially negative or painful for you. A lot of fear response is learnt in the early years and becomes stronger with life situations that validate it. E.g. if you were laughed at or ridiculed for saying something purely out of innocence you could get a fear response next time you are asked to share your opinion. It is these irrational judgments that the mind makes subconsciously and we feel ‘I don’t know why I am scared of speaking in front of an audience?’

Journaling exercises / prompts related to fear and anxiety can help you work on yourself, challenge these fear thoughts and change them into the outcomes that you want.

Some of the questions you might find useful to consider….

  • Why am I so scared of this?
  • Where did this fear come from?
  • What happens if this fear comes true?
  • What can I do to overcome this fear?
  • What steps can I take to avoid this fear from happening?
  • Is this fear a lie? If so, why do I believe it’s the truth?

Put your fears on the spot and follow practices like affirmations, gratitude and meditation journaling to keep the fear at bay and take the desirable actions towards your life goals.

One very useful resource that I have used is this Journal called ‘Create your own Calm’ by Meera Lee Patel. It is beautifully illustrated and has the most soothing questions for the fear and anxiety in you. Do try it out!

Do also try my humble effort on helping people conquer fear by this super easy 30-day challenge that helps you work on your beliefs that originate fears. 

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